​Crazy Heart
Meditation Community
Crazy Heart Meditation Community
The Crazy Heart Meditation Community (CHMC) is an independent organization working to bring meditation instruction, contemplative study and interfaith discussion to South Carolina and beyond. The CHMC's goal is to share the ethical framework and contemplative methods of the Buddha with all who are interested. The CHMC renounces dogma, sectarianism, superiority complex, and spiritual materialism.
The Crazy Heart Meditation Community is structured as a non-profit Social Club. The CHMC offers a secular presentation of Buddhist philosophy and meditation methodology that is suitable for all, regardless of chosen spiritual path. The community is diverse and includes Buddhists, Christians, Spiritual Eclectics, and Secular Humanists. The core activities include Group Meditation and Contemplative Study. In addition to these core activities, we host assorted contemplative sessions and retreats, offer a platform for guest teachers, and enjoy fellowship and various recreational activities.
Mission of the CHMC (As Stated in the Bylaws)
1. To support the spiritual and ethical development of the organization’s members by offering meditation instruction and hosting contemplative study and practice sessions.
2. To support members in the development of generosity and the four sublime attitudes of limitless goodwill, compassion, vicarious joy, and equanimity.
3. To bring members together in a safe environment to engage in contemplative practice, meaningful conversation, shared meals and community recreational activities.
4. To engage in planning and fundraising for a future meditation center in Greenwood County, SC. ​
Community Practice
One does not have to be a Buddhist or experienced meditator to be part of the community. This community is for all people regardless of background, beliefs, or identity. The only requirement is to willingly participate in the following practices with an open mind and open heart with the intention of cultivating virtue, awareness and understanding.
1. Meditation: We cultivate awareness, discernment, and non-attachment by using simple methods of observing body and mind.
2. Four Pure Precepts: We practice the ancient and universal precepts of pure behavior. We choose not to kill, steal, engage in sexual misconduct, or tell lies.
3. Four Sublime Attitudes: We cultivate the pure mind states of limitless goodwill, compassion, vicarious joy, and equanimity through both contemplation and action.
4. Generosity and Service: We practice sharing our time, talents, and treasures with those in need, in accordance with our capacity.
5. Cause and Effect: We acknowledge the cause and effect of our intentional actions. We seek to interrupt our unskillful habit energies and develop skillful ones in order to mitigate suffering for ourselves and others.​​​​​​​​​​​
Join us as a guest or fill out the CHMC APPLICATION to become a member and be fully immersed in our community and help the organization grow! There are no barriers to membership. There is a $5 Initiation Fee. We purposely make membership easily accessible to all people. Nobody's financial situation will prohibit participation. We hope that members can pay dues and/or offer donations as this will help our community grow and allow us to host more activities in the future, but it is not a requirement.
There are two levels of membership, Associate and Supporting.
Associate Member
Dues: Monthly Gift of Member's Choice in Accordance with Their Means
Associate Member Privileges
Access to all community activities and resources.
Eligible to vote in elections and provide feedback and recommendations at community meetings.
Supporting Member
Dues: $25 Per Month or Agreed Upon Alternative
Supporting Member Privileges
May run for office within the organization. Positions include President, Treasurer, or Secretary.
Invited to Special Planning Sessions.
Have priority status for events with limited capacity.
Eligible for the Personal Mentorship Program.
Access to all community activities and resources.
Eligible to vote in elections and provide feedback and recommendations at community meetings.
*Fees and dues are waived for Monastics, Clergy, Veterans, and First Responders.